05. Motion Vector

01 Motion Vector V2

Motion Vectors

A motion vector for a 2D image, has an x and y component (u, v). A motion vector for any point starts with the location of the point as the origin of the vector and it’s destination as the end of the vector (where the arrow point is).

All vectors have a direction and a magnitude and you can see more examples of vectors describeing motion, here.

A vector with `(u,v) = (-2, -6)`

A vector with (u,v) = (-2, -6)


Looking at the motion vector above with (u,v) = (-2,-6), what is it's magnitude? (Please round to the nearest 3 digits, ex. 1.234)


NOTE: The solutions are expressed in RegEx pattern. Udacity uses these patterns to check the given answer

What is the direction of this vector? Note that a vector pointing straight to the right has a direction of 0 degrees.

SOLUTION: 251.6 degrees